Thursday, November 29, 2018

Killing Joke Assessment

Question 1: What is my reaction to the text I just read?
Mostly confusion and anger. I had a lot of trouble following along, as someone who really doesn't care for DC and Batman in general. The general timeline of the piece confused me as to what was going on at any point, since you had multiple flashbacks interlaced throughout the story. Also why is the Red Hood mask a thing where it was in the story? I thought Red Hood happened because of Joker? Like wasn't that a super big thing that happened??? So why is the Joker, back when he's normal, putting on that mask and going on a heist? And the rage should be self explanatory for Barbara's plight. That just infuriated me to the point I was grinding my teeth together reading it.
And that last bit with the guy talking to the camera about killing Batman. WHO WAS THAT GUY?!?
I have no knowledge about him whatsoever and it completely caught me off guard? what relevance does he even have to the plot of this comic? Was it just to add out the pages and give someone the chance to show batman getting shot in the head? plus the whole thing that the guy did to that child, why did they have to throw that in as well??? You could have easily just implied that the guy is insane in like 50 other different ways. why did you go the Child route

Question 2: What connections did I make with the story? Discuss the elements of the story through which you were able to connect.

I didn't really connect with this story all that much asides from Barbara and Commissioner Jordans plight. I felt rage and pity on their behalf and as soon as they were safe I stopped caring. The entire story really just put me off through its showcasing of different elements, specifically the jokers backstory. I already knew what was going to happen to him so I didn't find myself caring about anyone in his past. Sure the scenes showed may have helped drive the plot forward and explain what was going on, but in the long run I just didn't care. And the last bit with the unnamed guy I remember speed reading through it because I just wanted to finish reading this and forget it existed.

Question 3: What changes would I make to adapt this story to another media? What changes would I make and what media would it be?

I would change this to the media of a video game. Not a super long one, but maybe a couple of levels,  in the style of a point and click adventure, to pay homage to Batman's detective routes, as most point and click adventures are mysteries of some kind. Plus I feel that suits the relative lack of violence in this piece better than any other kind of game. The changes I would make to the story would be the flashbacks for Joker could be a more separate level with him fading in and out of those memories as he gets the park made for Batman's arrival. I feel like that would help to really ground them into why he's doing what he's doing and justify their existence more. I would honestly just remove the Red Hood aspect of it since it still makes no plausible sense to me as to how that could happen in the first place. And the part with the guy and the camera would also be removed or at least expanded upon to show Batman capturing him and him getting his dues.