Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Donald Duck Comics

The Donald Duck comics have been around forever, and have been expanding the universe of the ducks since the first day. I have only read a couple but each one I have read has a semblance of an Aesop’s Fables with there being a major lesson to be learned in most of them, but usually in the form of one character ruining themselves. Often times its Donald trying to trick his way to the top or being too stubborn to give up when its advisable. And it happens almost every time, except when he’s dealing with Scrooge McDuck, who craftily sneaks his way to victory every time. it’s a delightful satire that can be seen today about how the rich always win, even when their methods aren’t at all clean, while even if the middle class play fairly or cheat, they almost never manage to actually win, though sometimes they get something they didn’t know they needed.  It also has amazing color choices, with the main tone of the comics generally being slightly dull, but still extremely saturated. Its has certain color choices and specific tones for groups of things, like every single “Human being” has the same skin tone in individual issues, but that may change over the entire archive of them. Otherwise everything that is background stuff or not as important to the plot generally has a more mid-tone neutral color, and since the Reader is looking for the more saturated colors out eyes slide right over the background stuff.

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